
Shaping servant leaders

Uniting Students through the Arts

Cultural activities in our school play a crucial role in fostering creativity, self-expression, teamwork, and appreciation for diverse art forms. Our culture clubs for grade 1-3’s set the perfect platform for our students to move into other phases of the school. The clubs consist of chatterbox club, art club, and soon to be introduced, chess club.

The cultural activities at our school include choir, marimba bands, drama, public speaking, art, slam poetry, gumboot dancing, African drumming and chess. Many of our culture students, past and present, achieved high recognition from external adjudicators at external events.

The flagship drama events are the Prep School and College major productions.  Our College and Prep music teams also compete in inter-school music events and Eisteddfods.

Our culture facilities include a music centre, an auditorium, a large hall, and a smaller hall.

Visit our Campus

Guided Tours

Please select from one of the Open Days below, or contact us for a private tour of the school.
06 March 2025
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
05 June 2025
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
18 September 2025
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
What's now?

Get in Touch


391 Eleventh Road

Email & Phone
P: 011-318-2481

Working Hours

Mon. - Fri. 7am-4pm
Sat - Sun Closed